You can use https://app.steemconnect.com/sign to try out the NextColony custom JSON's.


A custom_json command consists of an id and a JSON field. All commands in nextcolony have the same id:


The JSON field has the following structure:

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "dummyaction",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "oliverschmid",
    "tr_var2": "rondras",
    "tr_var3": "bronkong",
    "tr_var4": "jarunik",
    "tr_var5": "holger80",
    "tr_var6": "are",
    "tr_var7": "the",
    "tr_var8": "founders"
Field Description
username Steem user for which the command is executed
type Game action that should be triggered
command List of variables that are used as parameters for the command
tr_var1 First variable
tr_var2 Second variable
tr_var3 Third variable
tr_var4 Fourth variable
tr_var5 Fifth variable
tr_var6 Sixth variable
tr_var7 Seventh variable
tr_var8 Eighth variable

The command is applied to the user defined in the required_posting_auths field.


Creates a new NextColony game account with the provided steem account name.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "newuser",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "holger80" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Steem user Name


Starts learning of a skill which is necessary for building a higher level or being able to build ships.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "enhance",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "holger80",
    "tr_var2": "P-ZN2FTQ9F3W0",
    "tr_var3": "coalmine"
Field Description
tr_var1 Username, who will learn the skill
tr_var2 Planet uid from which the resources are taken
tr_var3 Skill name

Skill names are:

Depots and mines

coalmine, oremine, coppermine, uraniummine, coaldepot, oredepot, copperdepot, uraniumdepot

Special buildings

base, researchcenter, shipyard, bunker, shieldgenerator


coalbooster, orebooster, copperbooster, uraniumbooster, enlargebunker


Explorer, Transporter, Corvette, Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Carrier, Dreadnought, Scout, Patrol, Cutter


missioncontrol, structureimprove, armorimprove, shieldimprove, rocketimprove, bulletimprove, laserimprove, regenerationbonus, repairbonus, siegeprolongation


Upgrades a building.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "upgrade",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-ZN2FTQ9F3W0", "tr_var2": "researchcenter" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet uid for which the building will be upgraded
tr_var2 Name of the Building to upgrade

Depots and Mines

oredepot, copperdepot, coaldepot, uraniumdepot, oremine, coppermine, coalmine, uraniummine

Special buildings

bashipyard, base, researchcenter, bunker, shieldgenerator


Builds a ship in the shipyard if the shipyard and skill level allow it.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "buildship",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-ZN2FTQ9F3W0", "tr_var2": "explorership" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet uid for which the ship will be built
tr_var2 Ship Name

Ship Names

explorership, explorership1, transportship, corvette, frigate, destroyer, cruiser, battlecruiser, carrier, dreadnought, corvette1, frigate1, destroyer1, cruiser1, battlecruiser1, carrier1, dreadnought1, corvette2, frigate2, destroyer2, cruiser2, battlecruiser2, carrier2, dreadnought2,transportship1,transportship2, scout, scout1, scout2, patrol, patrol1, patrol2, cutter, cutter1, cutter2


Starts a exploration mission, a explorer must be available and ready on the planet.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "explorespace",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-ZN2FTQ9F3W0", "tr_var2": 53, "tr_var3": -317 }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet uid from which the explorership starts and the uranium is taken for providing fuel for the flight
tr_var2 Horizontal space coordinate
tr_var3 vertical space coordinate
tr_var4 Ship name of the explorer to be used


Transports resources to a location and returns to the start position afterwards.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "transport",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": { "frigate": 1, "corvette1": 1 },
    "tr_var2": "P-ZN2FTQ9F3W0",
    "tr_var3": "52",
    "tr_var4": "-321",
    "tr_var5": 15,
    "tr_var6": 15,
    "tr_var7": 15,
    "tr_var8": 15
Field Description
tr_var1 List of ships, either with ships name and quantity {"transportship": 2, "explorership":1} or (obsolete) number of transporter which should be used, must be available and ready on the planet
tr_var2 Planet uid from which the transportship starts and the resources are taken
tr_var3 Horizontal space coordinate of a planet
tr_var4 Vertical space coordinate of a planet
tr_var5 Amount of coal (can be a positive float or 0)
tr_var6 Amount of ore (can be a positive float or 0)
tr_var7 Amount of copper (can be a positive float or 0)
tr_var8 Amount of uranium (can be a positive float or 0)


Activates an item, the effect depends on the item.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "activate",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "C3-ZSQFKQ5LW9S", "tr_var2": "P-ZN2FTQ9F3W0" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Item uid, must be owned by the user
tr_var2 Planet uid on which the item is activated


Gifts an item to another player.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "giftitem",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "C3-ZUA1B4B7UPS", "tr_var2": "holger.random" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Item uid, must be owned by the user
tr_var2 Username to which the item is gifted


Fits a planet including the buildings to another player

  "username": "urachem",
  "type": "giftplanet",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "1003", "tr_var2": "dachcolony" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet id of the planet that should be gifted
tr_var2 Username will receive the planet and will be the new owner


This custom_json will move ships to a new planet and changes the ownership of the ships to the owner of the planet on which the ships have arrived. It is possible to transport resources to the coordinates.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "deploy",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": { "transportship": 2, "explorership": 1 },
    "tr_var2": 131,
    "tr_var3": -123,
    "tr_var4": 0,
    "tr_var5": 0,
    "tr_var6": 0,
    "tr_var7": 0,
    "tr_var8": "P-Z5CNNNZTL40 "
Field Description
tr_var1 List of ships, either with ships name and quantity {"transportship": 2, "explorership":1} or max 25 UIDs "S-ZKZHNR9O31C;S-ZRUVBR6EXGW"
tr_var2 X Horizontal Destination Coordinates
tr_var3 Y Vertical Destination Coordinates
tr_var4 Coal Quantity
tr_var5 Ore Quantity
tr_var6 Copper Quantity
tr_var7 Uranium Quantity
tr_var8 Planet uid of origin/start of the deploy

The arrival time is determined by the slowest ship. The ownership is changed when the ships have arrived on the destination.


Rename a planet.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "renameplanet",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-Z8MVHPCCL80", "tr_var2": "MyGreatPlanet" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet uid, must be owned by the user
tr_var2 New name for the planet (allowed characters: # . _ - a-z A-Z 0-ß)

Spaces are not allowed in the name


Updating the shop parameters by the game admins.

  "type": "updateshop",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "chest_01",
    "tr_var2": "sales_per_day",
    "tr_var3": "100"
Field Description
tr_var1 Item Id
tr_var2 Parameter to adapt: sales_per_day, max_supply, price, coal, ore, copper, uranium, name
tr_var3 New Amount to set

This command is only accepted if sent from one of the admin accounts like nextcolony


Attack another planet with a formation of ships to fight and steal resources.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "attack",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": { "corvette": { "pos": 1, "n": 1 } },
    "tr_var2": "289",
    "tr_var3": "-196",
    "tr_var4": "P-Z5CNNNZTL40"
Field Description
tr_var1 List of ships, n: number of ships, pos: position of the ship 1-8
tr_var2 Horizontal Coordinates (X)
tr_var3 Vertical Coordinates (Y)
tr_var4 Planet uid of origin/start

It is currently not allowed to send the same ship class in multiple positions.


Cancel an outgoing mission.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "cancel",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "M-ZYM57GS3GMO" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Missione uid to cancel

You can't cancel a mission that is returning from its destination.


Send a fleet to help protect another planet. They will fight against incoming attackers.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "support",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": {
      "corvette": { "pos": 1, "n": 2 },
      "transportship": { "pos": 8, "n": 1 }
    "tr_var2": -269,
    "tr_var3": -46,
    "tr_var4": "P-Z8MVHPCCL80"
Field Description
tr_var1 List of ships, n: number of ships, pos: position of the ship 1-8
tr_var2 Horizontal Coordinates (X)
tr_var3 Vertical Coordinates (Y)
tr_var4 Planet uid of origin/start


Activate the Shield Generator to protect resources.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "enable",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-Z8MVHPCCL80", "tr_var2": "shieldgenerator" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet uid
tr_var2 Building Name


Charge the Shield generator in order that it can be enabled.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "charge",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-Z8MVHPCCL80", "tr_var2": "shieldgenerator" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet uid
tr_var2 Building Name


Send a fleet to besiege another planet. Outgoing missions of the target planet will be blocked. Your ships will fight against attackers.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "seige",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": {
      "corvette": { "pos": 1, "n": 2 },
      "transportship": { "pos": 8, "n": 1 }
    "tr_var2": -269,
    "tr_var3": -46,
    "tr_var4": "P-Z8MVHPCCL80"
Field Description
tr_var1 List of ships, n: number of ships, pos: position of the ship 1-8
tr_var2 Horizontal Coordinates (X)
tr_var3 Vertical Coordinates (Y)
tr_var4 Planet uid of origin/start


Attack another planet with a formation of ships to fight its besiegers.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "breaksiege",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": { "corvette": { "pos": 1, "n": 1 } },
    "tr_var2": "289",
    "tr_var3": "-196",
    "tr_var4": "P-Z5CNNNZTL40"
Field Description
tr_var1 List of ships, n: number of ships, pos: position of the ship 1-8
tr_var2 Horizontal Coordinates (X)
tr_var3 Vertical Coordinates (Y)
tr_var4 Planet uid of origin/start

It is currently not allowed to send the same ship class in multiple positions.


Transfers stardust from one player to another.

  "username": "holger80",
  "type": "transferstardust",
  "command": { "tr_var1": 1.0, "tr_var2": "holger.random" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Float amount of stardust to be transferred (8 digits after the point)
tr_var2 Username to which the stardust is gifted


Issues items into the game. This command will only be accepted from nextcolony or admin users.

  "username": "nextcolony",
  "type": "issue",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "blueprint_10",
    "tr_var2": 100,
    "tr_var3": "nextcolony"
Field Description
tr_var1 Item to be issued
tr_var2 Amount of items to be issued
tr_var3 Recipient of the issued items

Item Names

blueprint_01, blueprint_02, blueprint_03, blueprint_04, blueprint_05, blueprint_06, blueprint_07, blueprint_08, blueprint_09, blueprint_10, booster_01, booster_02, booster_03, chest_01, chest_02, chest_03


Creating a new season. This command will only be accepted from nextcolony or admin users.

  "username": "nextcolony",
  "type": "newseason",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "A strong beginning!",
    "tr_var2": "14",
    "tr_var3": "3000",
    "tr_var4": "0.2",
    "tr_var5": "0.2"
Field Description
tr_var1 Season Name
tr_var2 Length of season in days
tr_var3 Steem Rewards at the end of season
tr_var4 Percent of reward points per yamato kill
tr_var5 Percent of reward points transmission per yamato deploy


Upgrades a yamato ship to the next tier.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "upgradeyamato",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "P-Z71I6RMOGWW",
    "tr_var2": "yamato1"
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet uid of origin/start
tr_var2 Ship to Upgrade


Gives up the starter planet and respawns it in a new place. The user will lose his start planet with all ships on it. The new planet will be a fresh one without building levels. The skills of the user are retained.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "respawn",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-Z5OOONZTL40" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet id of the planet that should be rewspawned


Burn a planet to harvest stardust.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "burn",
  "command": { "tr_var1": "P-Z5OOONZTL40" }
Field Description
tr_var1 Planet id of the planet that should be burned


Issues stardust into the game. This command will only be accepted from nextcolony or admin users.

  "username": "nextcolony",
  "type": "issuestardust",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": 100,
    "tr_var2": "nextcolony"
Field Description
tr_var1 Amount of stardust to be issued
tr_var2 Recipient of the issued stardust


Create a sell order asking to sell some goods

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "ask",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "item",
    "tr_var2": "B1-Z3F0IFXTW74",
    "tr_var3": 1000,
    "t_var4": "jarunik"
Field Description
tr_var1 Category of the good to sell: ship, item, planet
tr_var2 UID of the good to sell
tr_var3 Price in stardust
tr_var4 Listing Market as a steem user id


Cancel listing a good.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "cancel_ask",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "A-53F0DKXT244"
Field Description
tr_var1 UID of the good to cancel


Fill an ask from the order to buy the good

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "fill_ask",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "A-53F0DKXT244"
Field Description
tr_var1 UID of the good to buy


Buff the user for advantages.

  "username": "jarunik",
  "type": "buff",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "missioncontrol"
Field Description
tr_var1 Buff name




Update the price of a buff. This command is restricted to admin users.

  "username": "nextcolony",
  "type": "updatebuff",
  "command": {
    "tr_var1": "missioncontrol",
    "tr_var2": 10000
Field Description
tr_var1 Buff name
tr_var2 Price